Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The "Dang- gay" fever

Well since last time I wrote I thought I was healed and doing much better, but then that next morning I woke up and felt like I was right back where I had started and had another fever and headache all over again. After throwing up, Cheryl Troyer (the directors wife) took me back into the clinic and the doctors decided the medicines must have been too strong for my stomach to handle so they changed my antibiotics around and figured that would help. So I stayed another night at the Troyers house, which is actually pretty fun so it was nice to be there again, it has been my home away from home for the past week. Then this morning when I woke up I felt a lot better without a fever or headache, but my hands burned and itched really bad. As soon as Cheryl looked at my hands she coudln't believe it because it was the rash that you get when you are at the final stage of The Dangue Fever. So come to fine out this whole week I've had Dangue, which makes a lot of sense and explains why I couldn't break the fever, why my body ached so badly, etc. So I'm so glad that I'm in the last stages, because that wasn't any fun! I am so thankful to everyone that was praying for me because I know that's why I'm better now. Now all that's left is convincing the director that I can still climb a mountain in a week with the rest of the group, because I can't miss Pico! Thanks so much for your prayers, God is so good and so faithful when we call on His name!

1 comment:

Kory said...

clever title... :)