Monday, November 12, 2007

Answered Prayers!

Just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone that has prayed for me as I've been sick! Not sure if everyone knew but starting Thursday I didn't feel so great and by Friday I was in the clinic with the director's family (the Troyers) taking care of me. They are great people so it was really nice to get to stay in their home and be around english speaking people when you feel so bad. While I was at their house I kept getting worse so Lowell Troyer took me into the clinic and they got me hooked up to an IV which did the trick and got me feeling like a whole new person. Come to find out I ended up having strep throat, a bacterial infection, a urinary tract infection, dehydration, and amoebas! I was supposed to be in the clinic for 48 hours or more but Praise the Lord I got out of there in 24! Thank you so much for everyone that was praying. I'm so excited to be feeling better and to get back into my ministry site by Wed! God has healed me!

1 comment:

Robbie G said...

We were praying for you! We'll talk more on Sunday. Love you and proud of you.